Zero Fasting Is Now Zero Longevity Science

From the start, Zero has helped you tap into the power of fasting to improve your health and lengthen your life. As such, we wouldn’t blame you for thinking of us as “Zero Fasting” — particularly if you’ve followed us on social at @zerofasting.

But we’ve heard from many of you — and we share the belief — that health is more than just “when you eat.” Truth be told, we’ve always had a bigger and bolder mission: to extend the lifespan and healthspan of the human race. To bring that ambition front and center, we’re launching our new company name: Zero Longevity Science (along with the new @zerolongevity social handles and website to match).

With this name change, you’ll start to see content in our weekly emails, in the Zero app, and on Instagram that goes beyond fasting. We will tie in other key pillars of metabolic wellbeing, and over time we will share tools to make it even easier to put this knowledge to work. We also know that, for many, it’s your fasting practice that brings you to Zero every day. That isn’t going anywhere. Instead, we’re building upon it, and we welcome your input. Reply to this email. Send us a DM. We want to hear from you and make sure these changes are bringing you closer to reaching your health goals.

At the end of the day, we’re going to continue to do what we do best: provide you with science-backed, actionable guidance and tools for better health. Only now we’re doing it under a brand that fully represents our ambitions.

Until next time,
Tom Conrad
CEO at Zero Longevity Science


Posted in Zero News

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